Developers: Teach Everything You Know

Take a moment to think about who you trust online. What do they have in common? There’s a good chance that they thought you something valuable. That’s how you remember them and it’s also why you trust them.

That trust that you have in them can translate to different things. Sure, they might want to sell you something. But it doesn’t have. You might want to hire them to work on a project or your company because you respect their opinion. You might want to use their open source project because you trust their coding ability.

All these benefits came from teaching you something valuable. And the good news is that you can do this too! You have unique insights that you can share that can be of value to others. Are you ready to start!?

Perfect, then this talk is for you! It’ll look at some of the obstacles that you’ll face on your journey into teaching. You’ll see how you can overcome them so that you can start building trust online.
