Demographics and Facts


Ages: 18-65
Annual HHI: 38k-140k /yr
Sex: Approx 60% male, 40% female
Percentage Who Know/Use WordPress: 80%
Social: 90% active on Facebook, 55% active on Twitter
Location: 75% Southeast FL, 10% Orlando/Tampa, 5% Florida (Other), 4% Outside of Florida, 1% Outside US.
Top Industries: Technology, Marketing, Small Business, Fashion, Real Estate

WordCamp Miami Social: 1850+ Twitter Followers, 780+ Likes on Facebook Page, WCMIA Facebook Page active daily w/ over 200 members, active with over 2000 members (one of the largest in the US) on our local meetup mailing list.

Facts And Figures

2010 attendance: 250 people (sold out)
2011 attendance: 340 people (sold out)
2013 attendance: 420 people (sold out)
2014 attendance: 770 people (sold out)
2015 attendance: 775 people (sold out)
Expected 2016 attendance: 800+ in person, with additional hundreds online via web streaming and social media.